AI for Policy and Governance
26th September, 2020
Dr. Avik Sarkar is Faculty at the Indian School of Business working in the areas of Data, Emerging Technology, and Public Policy. At ISB, Dr. Sarkar is heading the development of India Data Portal (, a one-stop portal for analysis and visualization of government data. Dr. Sarkar was the former Head of Data Analytics Cell and Officer on Special Duty (OSD) at NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India Aayog) premier policy think-tank of the Government of India. At NITI Aayog, Dr. Sarkar helped in developing a roadmap for use of data, analytics, and artificial intelligence for Governance, Policymaking across various sectors for India’s inclusive growth and led efforts towards setting up the first High-Performance Computing based Data Analytics Lab and Energy Modeling Unit at NITI Aayog.
Dr. Sarkar is a multiple TEDx speaker and has been nominated among the “Top 10 Data Scientists in India” in 2017 by the Analytics India Magazine and nominated as “LinkedIn Influencer” in the Technology space in 2015 for contribution and engaging discussions on the LinkedIn platform in areas related of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, etc.

Dr. Avik Sarkar
Visiting Associate Professor, Data, Technology & Public Policy.