Data stream mining, and clustering time-series streams

5th September, 2020

João Gama is a Full Professor at the School of Economics, University of Porto, Portugal. He is EurIA Fellow, senior researcher, and member of the board of directors of the LIAAD, a group belonging to INESC Porto.

He is an Editor of several Machine Learning and Data Mining journals. He served as Program Chair of ECMLPKDD 2005, DS09, ADMA09, EPIA 2017, DSAA 2017, served as Conference Chair of IDA 2011, ECMLPKDD 2015, and a series of Workshops on KDDS and Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data with ACM SIGKDD. His main research interests are in knowledge  discovery from data streams and evolving data. He published more than 300 reviewed papers in journals and major conferences. He has an extensive list of publications in the area of data stream learning.

Professor João Gama 

Full Professor at the School of Economics, University of Porto, Portugal. He is EurIA Fellow, senior researcher, and member of the board of directors of the LIAAD, a group belonging to INESC Porto.