Artificial Intelligence for Medicine and Public Health
27th Feb, 2021
Dr. Tavpritesh Sethi is the founding head of Center of Excellence in Healthcare at IIIT-Delhi and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computational Biology. Having received his M.B.B.S from Government Medical College, Amritsar and PhD from CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi, India. For two years, he was a Visiting Faculty member at Stanford University, Department of Biomedical.
Tavpritesh is also a Kavli Fellow,in the Kavli Frontiers of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, United States and a fellow of the Welcome Trust/DBT India Alliance at AIIMS, New Delhi. He has contributed to Data Science solutions in Critical Care, Infectious Diseases, Genomics, Public Health policy, and recently in COVID. He has more than 25 articles in Biomedical Data Science published in top-tier journals and has delivered several international Keynote addresses and talks at reputed venues including the WHO. He serves as an academic editor for PLOS One, Nature Scientific Reports, Systems Medicine and Journal of Genetics.

Dr.Tavpritesh Sethi